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ladies are gonna think are dynamite on your sexy ass and you're just going to look mysterious dark super sexy verse 6 is stop taking selfies gentleman selfies are viewed as unattractive you know what
else is unattractive shirtless pics like women want to know that you look good that you're in shape they take care of yourself but when you blatantly try and flaunt it it makes you look like a huge egomaniac
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aka douche number seven is upgrade your shoes there is a direct correlation between wearing cool shoes that are sexy stylish and you being perceived as more attractive because the truth is women
notice shoes her shoes can make or break an outfit you can have like a great outfit on right you're looking killer amazing but then the shoes if they suck the outfit you're wearing it sucks she'll see you
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she'll see your face she's like oh my god he's handsome she sees your body he's like wow he works out his style amazing she gets to your shoes she's like oh my god pay attention to your shoes you should
also pay attention in number eight speaking of shoes which is your walk gentleman how do you walk if you want to be perceived as more confident more sexy more stylish then I say more confident you
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got to make sure that the body language that you're projecting is confident as well when you're walking right you want to walk with a nice medium pace your chest needs to be up your shoulders back you're
always looking down sort of shuffling strolling along maybe you're looking at your phone maybe
you're just not making eye contact the quickest easiest thing you can do is put your phone away head
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up shoulders back walk like you mean it look people in the eye oh you smell incredible but here's the thing it's not just about the smell what happens research has shown that when dudes actually apply
cologne their confidence goes up the reason their confidence goes up is cause in their head they think hey I just put on cologne I smell I feel sexier when you feel sexier you look sexier and last but certainly
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not least the ten simple thing anybody can do to look instantly more attractive is volunteer it's all about helping other people now here's the thing I'm not saying to volunteer just so that you look sexy but it's a byproduct not only do you feel amazing because helping other people is one of the things that is
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definitely going impact the way that you feel the way that you view yourself and your self-esteem and when your self-esteem goes up you feel better right but the thing is when other people see you being
kind and see you helping other people you look more attractive now should you do it just to look attractive the answer is no is it an interesting and sexy by-product the answer is yes