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royal mehndi design dreams and cares about nothing. This is just STUPID. If a girl asks what you're up to and you say, "Oh, I don't know how, partying, drinking and hanging out with friends and so on," like, wow. Come on boy
you can be a huge Harry Potter fan if you just want SOMETHING. # 6 Get a cool car It's that easy! All you have to do is drive to the Lambo royal mehndi design dealer, trade in whatever you already drive and buy one! Not a big
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deal, no, but seriously. Even an unattractive guy who drives a cool car gets a few free points for that alone. Why? Because it's cool. It is fun. It makes a great first impression. And it makes her think she
looks cool driving around with you. And you don't even have to be rich. Hell, for the price of a new
Camry, you can get a used BMW. Or maybe you buy a used Hellcat or Corvette for the price of a new
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people are very careful with their pets too. So if a girl has a dog and you say you don't like dogs, it doesn't matter if you look like Ryan Reynolds, that girl will deduct AT LEAST 2 or 3 points
from you if you like dogs but don't give them you +1. If you like dogs and have one too, she'll give
you +2. So if you like animals, get one! Disclaimer of liability. If you don't like animals, don't get one just to impress a girl when you know you don't care. This is just STUPID. Also, irresponsibility is a
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very unattractive trait, so it will only work against you anyway. # 5 Do you have things that matter to you Attractive guys aren't just empty shells. They usually have at least one hobby that they are really
passionate about. Dreams that really want to come true. And so forth. If you're just an ordinary who
doesn't care about anything, it's EXTREMELY unattractive because you just cling to this girl and start fitting into YOUR life, doing things that are important to you, with YOUR friends. and it just makes
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you look stupid. If you don't have hobbies, get one. If you don't have dreams, get one. Personally, I finda girlfriend no less attractive, let alone a girlfriend, than someone who doesn't have one. People
who pretend to be having fun usually just look like nerds. You should legitimately be having fun. Enjoy what you are doing. If you don't enjoy it then why are you doing it? For example, don't just listen
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what a girl says when you're bored and only listen because you hope to be with her later. Be serious, that's usually what you do when you are on dates, isn't it? Yes. that. Listen to what she says and be
interested in it, or at least see if there is anything interesting about it, anything you can learn, ask
questions that actually interest you, the answers to her cool personality traits that You can re-enact soon. If you don't give 2 what she is talking about and you know you never will, then lead the
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conversation about something that matters to you. # 4 Having a pet Frankly, everyone likes animals,
and having a pet only makes you appear cuter, versatile, smaller, and more responsible to look after.
everything in this area that you like and like. Plus, it's fun to drive a cool car! You don't even have to worry about having girls! # 7 Talk less and stop talking. Let the girl talk. Don't write to her more than
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she writes to you. Don't send her long texts when she sends you short texts. If she asks you a question and you know your answer is, don't sit there trying to defend yourself from her. Less is more. A lot of people suffer from "persuasion" and that is really unattractive. If she text you and you're NOT SURE
whether to reply or not, the answer is that you shouldn't. There is nothing worse than a guy who talks and talks but actually has nothing to say. So, these are 7 ways to get more attractive right away. Try them out for a couple of days, leave a comment and let me know how they work for you! Want to find out more dating tips and opportunities?