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Ways To Be More Attractive Immediately The Obvious. There are tons of videos and articles out there about someone who is going to be making a video, such as 3 tips for girls, and it's about things
like # 1 getting your hair cut, # 2 don't be fat. Well ... DUH! ..... Gee thanks, I had no idea that girls wouldn't like it if I cut my hair like I was 14! Little did I know girls wouldn't like it if I was 200 pounds
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overweight! Thanks for telling me! Good advice! So yeah, I'm not going to waste time talking about things like that. I'm assuming you are smart enough to know that if you go to the gym with 5,000 percent body fat, and if your hair is two feet then you need to cut it. This video is not general advice
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that anyone can come up with. These are going to be SPECIFIC things that you can actually start now and that you may not have thought of before. # 1 Grow a beard. I've found that a face that is naturally extremely good-looking usually looks better without a beard for people to see. But if you have an
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average or below average face, you usually look better with a beard because it helps hide the imperfections. Most faces aren't symmetrical, but when you have a beard it basically covers half of your face, which means half of that asymmetry is now hidden! So you look twice as symmetrical as
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before! It's called math. It's also used to hide your messed up jawline, acne, or anything else you don't like about your face. Try it! It's pretty much the best video on Youtube. Listen. Do it. Because, as you probably already know, girls like confidence. You don't want to be with someone who is insecure and
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desperate. If that applies to you, watch the How To Be Confident video. You want to be with someone who is always complaining, always talking negatively about things, doing negative things and all that? No you do not! The problem with guys is that a lot of them behave negatively towards girls! They to palm mehndi design
17. complain, they grill them about "Why don't you like me? Why don't you text me back faster?" and they all act emotionally. You tell a joke, then see if the girl laughs and feel bad when she t. Let that out, girls hate it. Even boys hate it. I hate it. Everyone hates it! People like positive people. Because positivity
just makes you better. Ah! Think about it. Positive people are active, they enjoy doing things, they talk to people because they enjoy it, not because they want to impress them, they have goals and ambitions and dreams and passions, they don't sweat on small things, they do it You don't complain about small
things because you don't care about small things. They have their own life and like to live it, they don't cling to the girl and try to live YOUR life or try to control YOUR life. If you smile and have fun, you will be IMMEDIATELY more attractive than if you do NOT smile and have fun. Now remember